Maya Tutorials
This is set of triks how to organase workflow with complex scenes using MtoA. Multitexture material - one shader, different textures. You can reduce amount of shaders in scene and speed up look development with one material and individual textures on each object. With this setup, shapes shar...
Hi Amigos, This tutorial gives you knowledge on the concept of UV pass shader. UV pass shader is used to render UV pass which will be used in compositing to modify texture of the selected object. To start, We will try to understand the concept of UV's in Maya above picture is UV layout in ...
Attribute Collection lets you interactivly build and edit a custom user interface that can be saved with the scene. You can link attributes, group them in various layouts, add buttons and icons. Attribute Collection is part of the Bonus Tools for Maya and can be downloaded here.
Shuffle a limited set of Maya texture map tiles to create the illusion of randomness and variety.
1. Overview This tutorial walks through the process of creating caustic effects in Autodesk Maya 2014 x64, using advanced shader techniques. It will be most useful to artists who already know some Maya basics: modeling, assigning materials, using the Channel Box, Attribute Editor (CTRL + A...
tutorial now at
vishal rein 20,176 viewsHi Amigos, This tutorial is about IES profiles use in Mental Ray. Before getting into usage of IES profiles in Maya, we will try to know what is IES profile. IES stands for Illuminating Engineering Society. IES profile are file formats which store photometric data of r...
Hello there, my name is Raouf, I am a Technical Artist currently living in Clermont-Ferrand, France. In this "quick tutorial", I will try to explain how I created "Natascha" and break it down into multiple creation steps. I will be focusing mainly on the shading and texturing part in which I ...
*UPDATE * The MEL script has been updated to a new renderSpeedy version 2.0 with lots of new features the old version can still be found here.. FOLLOW F...
Hello! My name is Alex Tacu and I want to explain what are the correct gamma setting that you need to use when you render with V-Ray for Maya. Firs of all let’s have a look what result you get when you don’t set anything. For this I made a simple scene with 3 cubes. The left one has a simp...
Hey! Today I’m going to explain how to make a simple planet, that is not rendering intensive and actually looks pretty good. First open Maya, and create a new scene. Create a Sphere, Set it’s radius to 10, and center it on every axis. Assign a Lamburt Shader to th...
tamizh1977 17,043 viewsIn this tutorial i showed how to create mountain using displacement, i explained about ocean shader snow texture.
tamizh1977 10,941 viewsIn this tutorial i am going to show how to create Water environment using single shader with multple Textures, this is my first tutorial in Area.
Download the 'fakeibl' script from here. Open the scene the run the script. A dome (nurb sphere) will be created. The first step is to select an image as the environment map. The color of the lights on the dome will be changed regarding to the selected image. If your scene is far from the or...
This is finallRender Stage-2 for Maya, Free Tutorial. That I hope it will good for new user of finalRender Stage-2 for Maya. or anyone that interesting in this renderer but can not to know way how to start begin with it. Name:: "QuickStart - Realistic Product Rendering with HDRI" ...
In this tutorial we will be exploring the use of the Mental Ray node "parti_volume". in the past this has been somewhat troublesome for new and experienced users alike. however with this tutorial i aim to explain how to set it up in a way that will enable you to go ahead and put it to your ow...
Here is how you can get full screen anti-aliasing (FSAA) and viewport anti-aliasing on 3D video cards that support it in OpenGL apps -- even if the setting isn't available in your app, or isn't supported with the current Apple drivers for your card. Install Apple's Xcode Developer Tools, and run ...
Wildcards Selecting nodes using wildcards in the Input Box This tutorial originated on the 3D Animation weblog Set Driven Key. You may already be familiar with the Input Box in Maya. It's a text field on the status line (on the top right of the screen) whe...
Requirements and Downloads You need the latlong_lens mental ray lens shader ( . Example scene on how to use the shader, including the rendered HDR image ( In order to view and edit HDR images HDRShop comes in handy . Introduction T...
Hey, in this cool tutorial i'll teach you how to add a thumbnail to your shaders in the hypershade library. normaly in your hypershade library you store all your shaders ...but they come with a defult maya logo and thats all.. ! and what if you have alote of shader ,and its very hard to remembe...
Hi! This tutorial will briefly look into Vray For Mayas Blend Material “VRay Blend MTL.” It is very useful when you need to add for exemple a text on materials and still keep the base materials properties, or when you have to use textures in layers. So for this tutorial we will create somethin...
Hi everyone! My name is Dennis and just got my hands on the Vray For Maya demo! A friend asked if I could explain the basics, so here is a very simple tutorial. First of all if you havent, get Vray For Maya from ChaosGroup --> (you have to create an account) - The...
Batch Rendering 102: If you are new to batch rendering I suggest you have a look at my step-by-step tutorial here: Rendering several maya scenes and cameras The following tutorial is to answer the most common questions I am e-mailed regarding batch rendering How do I make the batch renderer us...