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sePushPullConstraint 1.2.0 for Maya (maya plugin)

A DG node that allows one object to push and pull another object a fixed distance

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  • 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:05/15/2016
File Size: 340 KB
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1-10 of 14

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  • zy2zd3zx1

    zy2zd3zx1 said about 9 years ago:

    this is awesome
  • mayaman82

    mayaman82 said over 10 years ago:

    Hello, Since I have gotten a couple requests for this in the past and it was a pain to update. I finally took a few hours and updated the old Python version of the plugin to be the same as the current and have included it in the download. So now you don't have to have wait to have a compiled version of the plugin for your Maya and OS, you can just use the Python version. The compiled versions will always be faster though than Python if that becomes an issue.

    MR HOLLYWOOD said over 10 years ago:

    Hi MayaMan82 Not to savvy !!! If you can direct me to the section where the Libraries are located then I will send them to you. Cheers MR H
  • mayaman82

    mayaman82 said over 10 years ago:

    Mr H. I currently do not have 2015 installed because I don't have a 64 bit machine to install it on. Autodesk has made it increasingly difficult to just get the dev kit needed from the 64 bit installer for me to compile the plugins. If you have Maya 2015 installed on your windows 64 bit machine. If you send me the needed libraries I can compile it. Alternatively if you are savvy enough, the source code is on my website that you can download and compile yourself. If you do compile yourself, if you send it too me I can add it to the download so everyone else can use. Send me a message if you can help out.

    MR HOLLYWOOD said over 10 years ago:

    Any chance there is a version for 2015 out there ? Looks like a really good and handy plugin. CHEERS MR H
  • mayaman82

    mayaman82 said about 11 years ago:

    There have been several updates to the code and can be downloaded directly from my website. I do not have 2014 compiled yet, however the source code is freely available to download and compile yourself for future maya releases. If someone has compiled this for 2014, I will gladly add it to the download of other compiled versions. Go to to download page off my website for the latest:
  • btester2

    btester2 said about 11 years ago:

    Does this work for Maya 2014?
  • Joel Anderson

    Joel Anderson said over 14 years ago:

    Thanks! Good times.
  • mayaman82

    mayaman82 said over 14 years ago:

    Gramulho, I reuploaded the file again and verified it has both versions now. Make sure you clear your browsers cache as sometimes I noticed it will for some reason pull the old file down. The filename should be Modi, I will try to find that bug, to help, can you describe or send me a file at to the email that is in the read me. That will help me find the problem. By original object, do you mean the target? What are some of your values on the constraint. Is it the python or the compile version. Things like that will help me track it down. For the undoing, if you are trying to undo the movement of the target then yes, the other object will not undo correctly because of the dynamic nature of the constraint. You have to go back to the start frame and scrub the timeline once you move the target around to get correct result. Again, let me know a little more info and I can give you a better answer. Thanks again for the comments and I appreciate the positive messages I been getting.
  • modi

    modi said over 14 years ago:

    Now that i've played around with it a little more i noticed some bugs. It does not work very well when you undo. Also the position and distance between the objects gets whacky if you take the original object and set it to 0,0,0. Hopefully you can iron out the bugs, but overall awesome plugin. cheers -Modi

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