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RS_quadControl 0.0.1 for Maya (maya plugin)

math node to control 4 outputs from 1 input

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  • 7.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:05/21/2006
File Size: 11 KB

RS_quadControl is a node that accepts one input and has 4 outputs, -leftUp rightUp leftDown rightDown

it was created to simplify controling four different blend shapes with one control.


to use


1. load the plugin

2. on the command Line type "createNode RS_quadControl"

3. connect a control translation to the nodes input (you can limit the control translation to be between -1 to 1 on X and Y)

4. connect the respective outputs to the blend shape for example  -

Output_LU - to leftBrow_Up blend shape

Output_RU - to rightBrow_Up blend shape

Output_LD - to leftBrow_Down blend shape

Output_RD - to rightBrow_Down blend shape

the control will affect the up blend shapes when y is positive and down blend shapes when Y is negative.

right and left will be affected respectively while middle (x=0, Y=1) will drive  blend shapes to full value (1) X=1/x= -1 will change the weight towards the respective sides.

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