I use marking menus a lot when working in Maya, but when changing versions or machines udpating the marking menus is always problematic. While looking for a way to allow me to tranfere my settings I found
69: // allow user to define a proc with additional menu items
70: if (`exists contextPolyToolsDefaultUserMM`)
71: contextPolyToolsDefaultUserMM $parent;
72: return;
So here is my plugin which adds 5 marking menu files to your Maya,
1. menu_contextPolyToolsDefaultUserMM.mel
2. menu_contextPolyToolsObjectUserMM.mel
3. menu_contextPolyToolsVertexUserMM.mel
4. menu_contextPolyToolsEdgeUserMM.mel
5. menu_contextPolyToolsFaceUserMM.mel
Plus it creates the necessary functions which links into the existing context sensitive marking menus (Default, Object, Vertex, Edge & Face).
1. Place file in your C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2012/bin/plug-ins folder, or similar
2. Load Maya
3. Activate Plug-in via Window->Settings/Preferences/Plug-in Manager
4. Open Window->Settings/Preferences/Marking Menu Editor
5. Customise menus as normal
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