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ngSkinTools 1.7.1 for Maya (maya plugin)

ngSkinTools is a skinning plugin for Autodesk Maya, introducing new concepts to character skinning such as layers, any-pose-mirroring, enhanced paint brushes, true smoothing, and more.

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  • 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:10/26/2015
File Size: 13.6 MB



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1-10 of 12

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  • Jonas99

    Jonas99 said over 8 years ago:

    Will you compile it for maya 2017 soon ? Seems pretty nice plugin and I would like to use it on maya 2017. Thanks! -JO-
  • marc thur

    marc thur said about 10 years ago:

    This is software as software is supposed to be. A tool to work with and not to worry about. Never thought I would ever enjoy weight painting, I do now. Some more documentation or tutorials would be welcome.
  • Osko 3D

    Osko 3D said over 10 years ago:

    This plugin is just amazing! There is a very original idea behind it, and it's build in a very nice user friendly way! It took me some time to change my way of thinking about painting weights, but now it's much faster, easier and organized. There is no going back :) Thank you for sharing your hard work with everyone!
  • MayaMana

    MayaMana said over 10 years ago:

    very cool ... could you please make a detailed tutorial how to use it? thank you in advance
  • daardees

    daardees said almost 12 years ago:

    Excellent, brillant ! if you find a way to pick up influence in the futur it will be PERFECT. A must have !
  • uiron

    uiron said almost 12 years ago:

    Thanks for review, John. I've been looking for ways to provide the viewport-select of influences, but to be frank it's pretty hardcoded in standard skin painting tool, and to allow such feature I'd have to hack maya's internal files, which I don't want... Try layers. With them, you reduce your list to a minimum, it gets much easier from there.
  • John Johnson

    John Johnson said almost 12 years ago:

    Love the script - amazing job! That being said i am having a hard time embracing it simply due to the fact that i have to use the list to select my influences. Massive workflow slow down. Possibly even a deal breaker for continued use.
  • Safronov3D

    Safronov3D said about 12 years ago:

    Best plugin for skinning! Thanks for the plug, has simplified my life. You are my hero ))
  • uiron

    uiron said about 13 years ago:

    Linux downloads and zip versions of plugin for multiple Maya versions can be found on plugin website:
  • iker de los mozos

    iker de los mozos said about 13 years ago:

    If you are not using .mll or Windows-only files it would be nice to give the users the option to install them manually. i wanted to give your scripts a try but I am working in Linux, so no .EXE for me... ;-)

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