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Maya 8.5 API Template for Xcode 1.2.0 for Maya (maya plugin)

Maya 8.5 Template for Xcode

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  • 8.x

Operating Systems

  • Mac


Last Modified:09/23/2007
File Size: 848 KB


Want to build your own plugins? This will setup a template under Xcode for you.

The template is basic enough so that you can just remove what ever code you dont like and start adding your own. But I recommend that you build the project before you start adding your own code. Added the


-See Read me for running Executables (Maya) after you have built you plugin

-Builds on G4/G5/Intel

-Uses ".bundle" for maya 8.5

-Uses gcc 4.0 now

-Easier setup and build instructions


Must be using Maya 8.5

Must have Maya 8.5 Dev kit installed (see additional options during your maya install)

Must have Xcode 2.2+ running.

Maya must be installed in the default location (otherwise you will have to change the paths used in plugin-builder)

Instructions for Use:

1. Just install the "Maya 8.5 Template for Xcode.pkg"

2. Open Xcode

3. File->New Project (Apple+N)

4. Scroll to:

Maya Plug-ins

5. Click "Maya 8.5 Plugin - Hello World"

This should start you off with the correct settings to build your own OSX / Maya 8.5 Plugins..

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