The Plugin documentation is here:
The Plugin is Free Software released under the GNU/GPL License and it is part of the Larmor-Physx Voronoi Shatter API.
- The Plugin implements a Voronoi shatter of non-convex closed triangle meshes (Maya polygon surfaces) using C++ and CGAL
- The shatter uses the Voronoi brute force algorithm implemented in multithreading
- The cut faces can be rebuilt using the Constrained Delaunay triangulation
- The triangle mesh can contain multiple holes and cavities with nested objects
- MEL GUI window accessible from a new Maya menu in order to use the plug-in easily
- The algorithm can separate the disjointed surfaces
- The Plugin can calculate the mesh's volume and the inertia tensor using the volume 3D Triangulation
Plug-in Binary version 1.1.1Beta-Build78 for Maya 2012/2013/2014 Mac OS X.
Plug-in Binary version 1.1.1Beta-Build79 for Maya 2012/2013/2014 Linux (x86_64).
Plug-in Binary version 1.1.0Beta-Build77 for Maya 2012/2013/2014 Windows (64 bit).
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