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2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012
Operating Systems
Created: | 04/21/2014 |
Last Modified: | 01/07/2017 |
File Size: | 12.5 MB |
Reviews Love it? Or maybe you want to share some creative ways you're putting this item to use.
RyanNolanVFX said over 9 years ago:
Great Plugin. I've been using it for a few months now and it works no problem and is very fast and lightweight. Took a few days to get my license file, but other than that everything has been fine and the actual plugin works great. The only issue I have with the plugin currently is that it will only display your instanced geo via a wireframe bounding box. This makes it difficult to see exactly where all of your instanced geo is on the terrain. I wish they could add some ability to toggle between bounding box mode and flat shaded version of the models. It would be amazing if they could add some sort of "Point cloud" representation of the geo similar to GrowFX inside of Max. But that is all, otherwise it works flawlessly. Thank you. -
hot6201 said almost 10 years ago:
Purchased. Let me quickly answer the friend request I want to try. -
Sujeet Pawar said almost 11 years ago:
Thanks So much For This Ultimate And Wonderfull Superb Timesaving Plugin For Maya i will Give You ***** It is Very Light and It Can Generate Jungle or Vegitation with Very small deatails with easy steps and Mainly suppoty Vray Mental Ray And Arnold renderer All D best Thank You Thank You Thank You
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