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brainbugz 1.4.0 for Maya (maya plugin)

brainbugz, behavioural animation for particles

Button download


  • 2010, 9.x, 2009, 2008, 8.x, 7.x, 6.x, 5.x, 4.x

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:01/20/2010
File Size: 1.33 MB
brainbugz is a set of nodes and commands that enable you to use behavioural animation techniques on particles.
- 13 different steering desires: head direction, wander, seek, moth-seek, arrival, pursuit, shadow, following of curve / surface, obstacle avoidance, alignment, cohesion, separation, keep distance
- all desired can be used as stand alone force fields
- desires can be combined with each other and / or standard fields to achieve complex higher level behaviours (e.g. flocking)
- easy to use interface, no scripting needed to setup a behavioural system
- extensive documentation incl. tutorial
- example scenes

Big thanks to David Kirchner ( for providing windows x64 compilations for Maya 2008, 2009 and 2010 which are added in the current release 1.4.0 (please note the updated mel code, too)! There is also a new version for linux x64 2009 by redpawfx. Please note I didn't have the time to test them all!

You can find the source code on my website or directly via svn here:

Thanks everyone for the continued support, please remember to give a small (or big) donation to "Doctors without Borders" if you like and use this software. See the website for more information, a quick look at the docs, example animations etc.:

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