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mad_physicalSky 1.1.0 for Maya

Mental ray shader that simulates a real sky.

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  • 8.x, 7.x


Last Modified:05/22/2007
File Size: 369 KB
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1-5 of 5

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  • znax znax

    znax znax said over 13 years ago:

    tried on maya 2011. it crashes on the second render-try or even earlier. I see that it was originaly designed for maya 7x \ 8x as witten above but though is it possible to have it stable working on newer versions of maya (2011 for example). By the way it produces very nice render. Great job, author!
  • polytic

    polytic said almost 18 years ago:

    but i also having problem installing the script. Any guidance will appreciated. Thanks.
  • jerrylau18

    jerrylau18 said about 18 years ago:

    i having a problem of running the script and it seem it doesnt work..can anyone give me some guide about this..currently i am using maya7
  • akaneblue

    akaneblue said about 18 years ago:

    It looks great but more insturctions were needed new users like me I'm still not very familiar with maya so I needed more instruction on where the files I download needed to go to make it work.
  • tonytouch

    tonytouch said about 18 years ago:

    ah , cool , there is a tutorial now . very nice. thnx ;O)

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