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Emre`s Ice Shader 1.0.0 for Maya

Cool Ice Shader with Reflection and Refraction

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  • 8.x


Last Modified:06/01/2008
File Size: 471 KB
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  • sanghpal wanjari

    sanghpal wanjari said over 15 years ago:

    i really do need the simple ice texture, i just want to create a iceberg.
  • soulcalibur7

    soulcalibur7 said over 16 years ago:

    The shader is quite simple, and it could do with some extra nodes to help push the effect of ice, but for a quick first go around, it works quite well. Although the texture file is small, it works like a charm. The only thing I can think of to really help push this shader would be, include two files in the zip, one with the shader by itself and the test scene. It's somewhat irritating to keep deleting the objects in the scene since I can't save out the shader network on my work machine.

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