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The Robo'o Rig 1.0.0 for Maya

Simple robot rig with few deploying/cannon specs

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  • 8.x


Last Modified:11/12/2007
File Size: 18.1 MB
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  • sebastian brown

    sebastian brown said over 14 years ago:

    to me one of the coolest rigs on here! It has quite allot of topology problems though. It is a "low res" model with tons of topology. It seems like the modeler did allot of extrusions with 8 divisions when not necessary. Many vert merges edge deletions and remodeling is necessary to get a cleaner result. the rig is awesome minus the foot controls distort/bend the foot which is odd for a hard surface model. I have been working through this to remodel and maybe can post the cleaner version. It gets allittle sluggish with all the history because for some reason when I delete history it kinda explodes. Thanks for your contribution!.
  • bhogiman

    bhogiman said almost 15 years ago:

    Hey there.. This is an awesome rig..!! can you please update this with some more foot controls...footroll, heel..etc..... looking for ward for the updated version..!! all the best dude.!!!
  • ness1213

    ness1213 said over 17 years ago:

    Nice model. I animated it for about 2 hours and had fun. The only problem I had was the rig kinda broke at some point and he couldn't go into his deployed modes anymore. But other than that, it was great! P.S. I would've also liked to have seen the deformation taken off of the feet and a lift heel channel to help animate. But I loved animating the guy!
  • audin

    audin said over 17 years ago:

    I updated the file taking care of suggestions. Thanks a lot to danyeal, I never noticed the issue.
  • danyeal

    danyeal said over 17 years ago:

    pretty cool model and char rig. works good and is easy to understand. But! : you really should clean up this file. its full of objects which arent needed. maya even crashed as i opened the grp called "a" regards edit: if you havnt already, you should take a look at Jason Schleifer's DVDs.

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