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STREET_MAN 1.0.0 for Maya

Use my small Rigg and mail me ur comments

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  • 2008


Last Modified:12/22/2008
File Size: 1.05 MB
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  • bardhanjoy

    bardhanjoy said over 13 years ago:

    Nice one, but can we get the eye balls please....?
  • eeteekay

    eeteekay said over 14 years ago:

    As the designer and modeler of Machismo for the Mastering Maya 7 (He is on the cover!) and 8.5 book, I have no problem with someone rigging the model. We wrote the book and provided the model for just that purpose. Attribution would have been nice, but I could see where this person might have thought it would be obvious. At least, I HOPE that the book is widely enough known that he or she thought it would be obvious! :) But perhaps I kid myself. So to the people pointing this out, Thank you! But in my opinion, it is okay. And Mr. Rodriguez, I absolutely LOVE the animation! :) It expresses the nature of the character EXACTLY how I envisioned him: body in drive; brain in neutral! :) eeteekay aka Eric Kunzendorf
  • David Rodriguez

    David Rodriguez said almost 15 years ago:

    Over all a pretty good rig.... The only things I had to fix myself was the heel pivot because the pivot point was not exactly on the bottom of the heel, and the IK/FK switch control switches the IK/FK simultaneously not independently. But it was still a OK rig. Check out my animation with this character.
  • servicas2

    servicas2 said about 15 years ago:

    As all artist, he has to give credit for other people's works. He can not just say this is my rig. It is not right. Also, the rig is from Learning Maya 8.5 (comes with a cd). So, please people if you put something up there that you did not created make sure you give the right credit to the person that created it. We all artist must do this way!!!
  • kaveman2007

    kaveman2007 said over 15 years ago:

    He is only taking credit for the rigging, not the model. I don't see a problem with using an existing model to practice on and get others' opinions.
  • gizmo_ult

    gizmo_ult said over 15 years ago:

    this was a model from learning maya 7 and his real name was machismo
  • Sir Meeko

    Sir Meeko said almost 16 years ago:

    This is the model and rig from learning Maya book.
  • cosmicfool

    cosmicfool said about 16 years ago:

    really like the rig, was doing some cycle animation and came acroos a few things that drive me crazy. 1, the toe tap is backwards on the feet. 2. When I have both feet selected at same time I cant use both footrolls for some reason. Blend shapes and a couple eyes would be great. This could be a really good rig man.
  • Pooya Gharahgozli

    Pooya Gharahgozli said about 16 years ago:

    Hey, Thanks for sharing your work here. IMO, the model is great and the rig works well too but it's somehow disappointing that there is no Facial setup/Control. The other issue that needs fixing is the volume loss mainly because of skinning. Keep it up and please do update this as It would be a joy to animate
  • anton blake

    anton blake said about 16 years ago:

    very very nice model and rig but ? no facial set up?! Coulda gone the extra hog and added a facial setup. Overall good rig.

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