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Squirrely Rig 1.1.0 for Maya

Squirrel Rig (ball like, with tail:)

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  • 2009, 2008


Last Modified:05/05/2009
File Size: 24.6 MB
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1-10 of 21

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  • spenserohara88

    spenserohara88 said over 7 years ago:

    I'm having issues with this rig. When I go to set a key it takes forever to load. Has anyone had this problem before? Anyway to fix it? 
  • suicidetrees

    suicidetrees said about 9 years ago:

    i love you!
  • merula

    merula said almost 15 years ago:

    when i try to show the back of his hand, the arm is twisted strangely.
  • angry-green-toast

    angry-green-toast said almost 15 years ago:

    also, if you made a few different tails or ears to go with it as attributes that could be turned on, it could easily become a rabbit or hamster or beaver, or gofer, or any rodent really. just an idea.
  • angry-green-toast

    angry-green-toast said almost 15 years ago:

    all great, very logical controls and easy to use, plus looks adorable. my only complaint is that the eyebrows are very limited, angry and happy expressions are clear, but there is almost no way to make a STRONG worried fearful or confused face. otherwise, I love this rig! and if an updated rig is made with these corrections, I would definately get it!
  • FearMySorcery

    FearMySorcery said about 15 years ago:

    What did you use to rig the face with? All done manually or any tutorials? Great box controls ya got there, didnt use the face machine did you?
  • daughterofzion

    daughterofzion said about 15 years ago:

    The rig is all grey~~ How do I apply the texture and the color like the one on the picture??? Can anybody help me out with this?
  • mehul desai

    mehul desai said over 15 years ago:

    Hey , there aint any email address where i can contact u?.....had a few questions if you can help me out! thanks mehul
  • Jason van Niekerk

    Jason van Niekerk said over 15 years ago:

    Great rig, so easy to work with. I was wondering, can you use this rig to enter competitions ?
  • Alexander Hahn

    Alexander Hahn said over 15 years ago:

    the model is great to work with....though no textures came with, well some, but they weren't attached and didn't render at all....any chance in getting those?

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