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Spline Based Car Rig 1.0.0 for Maya

Spline Based Car Rig

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  • 8.x


Last Modified:01/04/2009
File Size: 1.7 MB
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  • knightrider1620

    knightrider1620 said over 14 years ago:

    This is a dope rig! Good job. Easy to use and totally automated. Sweet.
  • jbanchero

    jbanchero said over 16 years ago:

    Hi, I downloaded your rig - Really cool!! I made a car rig a while ago that I adapted to the Chrysler model from your scene. The main difference is that it tracks the motion path. It's really rough - the tire expression isn't right and it's not exactly clear how to adapt it to another car.... but... you can find a playblast on youtube at: The scene is posted on highend3d - it should load into Maya version6..
  • Steha40

    Steha40 said almost 17 years ago:

    It is a really nice modelcar, i've had a lot of fun with it!
  • fredvieux

    fredvieux said about 17 years ago:

    // Use Mayav8.5 // // Sample Instructions // // SPLINE CONTROLS // Controls1-11 (looks like cubes) and Chrysler_ChryslerSteering (looks like a horse shoe or steering wheel). // CHRYSLER STEERING CONTROL // This controller has the following attributes: 1)Rotation factor (rotates the angle of front wheels) 2)Offset (adjust the position of the Steering Wheel Controller from the relative position of the geometry) 3)Drive (calculates the positions, angle, and the wheel rotation of the geometry along it's path of action. // CONTROLS1-11 // Influence the path of action of the Chrysler model. // GOOD LUCK //
  • LoneRanger

    LoneRanger said about 17 years ago:

    yup, I am on the same page as fabiobasile. Not sure how to get the rig working. Seems like I have moved every node in the scene and nothing happens. Is this rig transferable to other vehicles?
  • LoneRanger

    LoneRanger said about 17 years ago:

    yup, I am on the same page as fabiobasile. Not sure how to get the rig working. Seems like I have moved every node in the scene and nothing happens. Is this rig transferable to other vehicles?
  • shumway

    shumway said over 17 years ago:

    Not compatible with earlier versions of Maya. :( Can you help?
  • Fabio Basile

    Fabio Basile said over 17 years ago:

    might be me... or my maya installation, but i can't see how to animate the rig correctly. Can you make a more explicity help file together with your rig?
  • jordanoth

    jordanoth said over 17 years ago:

    i havent tested it out yet but if it does only what is described, Ill be more than satisfied, Thank You!

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