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Samurai_Jet 1.0.1 for Maya

A simple, basic character rig for a cartoony robot.

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  • 2009

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:03/04/2010
File Size: 1.19 MB


jet, cartoon

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  • mehroz ahmad

    mehroz ahmad said almost 10 years ago:

    how it will global scale.
  • tbmediadesign

    tbmediadesign said over 11 years ago:

    no global scale :(
  • bob2010

    bob2010 said about 12 years ago:

    can't rescale the model!
  • dwc

    dwc said about 14 years ago:

    I'm trying to re-scale the whole model to fit with the scene I setup but I don't see a simple way to do it on this model. Is there no control for that, or am I missing something here?
  • kent78wong

    kent78wong said almost 15 years ago:

    other than the issues that you have already mentioned, it is considered a fun rig to animate. But as an animator, I would really appreciate if you could fix the feet roll and IK\FK snapping functions. Coz it will really let us enjoy to animate more. =) And I have one extra request too. Would you mind add another controller for metal piece right below his eyes so that we could create a facial which acts like a moving cheek. =D Thanks! But really really good job! I like your character and rig so far! =)
  • liu

    liu said almost 15 years ago:

  • Emil Jose

    Emil Jose said almost 15 years ago:

    Model is good, but rig needs more attention. Foot controls are not complete, take care of shoulder control. Looking for new update.........
  • James Nelson

    James Nelson said almost 15 years ago:

    not the best rig I have seen, some curves were unnamed, didn't know what they did, controls that should have been locked weren't, and those that were locked weren't hidden. all in all a good solid rig, keep working on the minor problems

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