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Mr. Brightside 1.0.0 for Maya

Mr. Brigthside V.1

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  • 2008, 8.x, 7.x


Last Modified:03/12/2008
File Size: 2.9 MB
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  • mmaners

    mmaners said almost 17 years ago:

    I like the character design and I love the face controls, they are what I prefer. The IK/FK on the arms doesnt switch and how do you bend the spine? The facial controls should all be mirrored and you should break out the face as you are doing but have one controller for the mouth, another for the brows, and one for the eyes so when you animate you can layer those on separate controllers and it is less confusing . Overall though nice start. I am sure your next version will be all there so keep at it.

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