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Mike and Tina Character Rig 2.8.0 for Maya

An intuitive, but extremely versatile and highly customizable Maya character rig.

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  • 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010

Operating Systems

  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:09/14/2015
File Size: 6.22 MB
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  • aryans_ybx

    aryans_ybx said almost 7 years ago:

    Can I use this for a commercial project? Due to low budget, struggling wit rig.
    Please may I. or will pay $ 10 USD.
  • Jason Baskin

    Jason Baskin said almost 9 years ago:

    Thanks for the kind words, Subhankar! Always great to hear positive feedback. Glad you enjoyed working with this character. Best, Jason
  • Subhankar Pal

    Subhankar Pal said almost 9 years ago:

    thanks for this awesome rigged character i used it for my college animation project.
  • Jason Baskin

    Jason Baskin said about 9 years ago:

    Thanks very much for the kind words, ghandi762002! I'd love to see any sequence you create with my rig. Best of luck in your studies. Jason
  • ghandi762002

    ghandi762002 said about 9 years ago:

    Great work, really I like it .. I just downloaded it and started testing some controls. I'm studying character animation at and I was searching for good rigs ... and here you are ... Great Thanks to you for sharing ... All the best
  • Jason Baskin

    Jason Baskin said over 10 years ago:

    Hi Branko- Thanks very much for writing. That sounds like a fun project. A colleague of mine is actually working on a facial mocap tutorial that sounds very similar to what you are describing (and he'll be using my rig for the project). It should be online soon, so I'll be sure to post a link once it is up. Thanks again, Jason
  • branko

    branko said over 10 years ago:

    Great work, - I wanted to try your rig - to add facial expressions with kintect camera - voice-omatic- and face shift - as well as transferring the full body motions form fbx files - using animation layers and/or atom - are you planning another tutorial on Lynda - how to do all of above? - (If you already have this explained some-were please let me know the link) Thanks for your effort Branko Petrusevski (Lynda member 10 years - student - hobby )
  • kamishiro

    kamishiro said over 10 years ago:

    Thanks for sharing :)
  • Gianluca Giacalone

    Gianluca Giacalone said over 10 years ago:

    Great job!! Thanks a lot!
  • Prathmesh Navik

    Prathmesh Navik said almost 11 years ago:

    Awesome work done there

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