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Johnny The Box 2.0.0 for Maya

A character in the shape of a cube, with squash.

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  • 2008


Last Modified:04/15/2011
File Size: 703 KB
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  • Zirez Anon

    Zirez Anon said over 5 years ago:

    Toon shader is causing Geomatry issue in Maya 2019.1
    but How do I scale it? there's no Scale channel available in any controller!
  • Amethyst Studios

    Amethyst Studios said over 10 years ago:

    This is a great rig! It's well made and very versatile, so it's easy and fun to animate with. No problems in Maya 2014.
  • Raveen Rajadorai

    Raveen Rajadorai said almost 13 years ago:

    Hey guys, Thanks so much for the kind comments. I'm working on a new version of Johnny, I'm trying to implement all the suggestions you guys had as well and just making the rig a lot more solid. And maybe adding most customization options for him. Brazz: Awesome work mate! Love his expression at the end! :D Epower: Woo! That's awesome! Nice little scene as well! Thanks again, I'd love to see any other animations you guys have! :D
  • epower

    epower said almost 13 years ago:

    I am a big fan of this one. Especially for beginners it's perfect since there aren't tons of confusing controls. Here is my work
  • brazz

    brazz said almost 14 years ago:

    Nice rig. Simple controls and clean. Great to practice some animation fundamentals. As I already requested, would love a way to rotate the box in diferent pivots. great job on this rig. keep it up. I thought you would like to see my test on it cheers,
  • Beuzer0

    Beuzer0 said almost 14 years ago:

    I finally managed to install Maya 2012 to test it, but I am disappointed on some points : - The stretch doesn't working well, the cube gains in volume instead. - The shape is not as clean as the previous version. The good points : - The controllers that allows to move Johnny's bottom and top parts independently. - Better Eyes (but still some problems if we move them, making the shape changing) I prefer to stay with the previous version of Johnny because it has a better stretch and, in my opinion, a better shape when I rotate the top. For me, the perfect version of Johnny would be the first one with the second one's eyes and the independent controllers ! Also, putting a scale value on the middle controller, allowing to change the volume at any moment, would be perfect. I love the first Johnny, so I'm looking forward to see another version of it in the future, keep it up !
  • ivivasv

    ivivasv said almost 14 years ago:

    Very Nice ! Something simple and usefull, easy to explore and use :) great work
  • Ankit Gokani

    Ankit Gokani said over 14 years ago:

    the rig is gr8 i have even animated it u can check out here
  • Tirumalaimuttu Shanmugam

    Tirumalaimuttu Shanmugam said almost 18 years ago:

    simple n nice.great work
  • Pandusen

    Pandusen said almost 18 years ago:

    so far i haven't downloaded that many rigs.. mostly because most of them where very disappointing. this one is with no doubt the best rig so far.. :D super nice simple idea and a great rig for it.. your eye rig gave me a load of ideas for rigging. not only for eyes but all sorts of things! and thats the only reason i download rigs.. to get inspired. but until i came across this one, there had only been useless controls that only made things less intuitive and confusing to work with..

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