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HandJobs aka "Steve" 1.0.0 for Maya

Free Maya Rig

Button download


  • 2014

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:07/06/2015
File Size: 15.1 MB


maya, Rainasawrus, Rig

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  • yuki radcliffe

    yuki radcliffe said over 9 years ago:

    It's a cute, unique character, but the controls are very limited. His little feet move, although they get a bit crunchy if you push it too far in either direction. He has no facial controls - no mouth, no blink, no eye movement. And, for some reason, when I try to put his texture on him, the UVs don't line up and it looks terrible. His geometry is all one object, so if I want to retexture him, I'll have to select face by face - not sure if I can be bothered. All in all, he's not a show stopper, but he's fun and different.

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