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Beetlesque Car 3.0.0 for Maya

Simple but effective Low Poly Car

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  • 7.x


Last Modified:06/11/2007
File Size: 1.95 MB
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  • andylt1

    andylt1 said almost 18 years ago:

    this is a confusing rig, plz hide all things that dont need to be touched, and would be cool when you move the ik tyres the wheel arches deform, and i didnt see any auto roll for the tyres
  • bluder_

    bluder_ said almost 18 years ago:

    I don't have 7.0 only 8.0, seemed like some stuff got destroyed in 8.0, like "hull:root_ctrl" control dosen't work at all as well as other controls. too bad, seemed like a fun squash and stretch car :/

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