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Batman Beyond : Rigged 0.0.1 for Maya

Batman Beyond : Fully rigged and textured with lots of extra props.

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  • 2013

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:07/31/2013
File Size: 27.2 MB
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  • Ezequiel Adatto

    Ezequiel Adatto said about 11 years ago:

    I am so fucking excited about this!!!! Hey, is this rig freeware? I'm really looking forward to make an animation with this guy and create some sets and render it in a really great quality! I'll give all the credits to the 3dartist that made it and to the rigger. Is there any problem with that? Thank you very much for this, you made my day hahahahaha! Ezequiel.
  • matthew  roe

    matthew roe said over 11 years ago:

    Awesome Rig! Thanks for uploading it! Iv'e been watching season 2 of Batman Beyond recently so im very excited to get stuck in and try and animate the heeeellll out of this Rig!! Thanks, Matt

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