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Bandido-Maya Rig 0.0.1 for Maya

Bandido Created in Maya 2009 with latest AB Auto RIg Script

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  • 2009

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:10/14/2012
File Size: 2.2 MB



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  • rahul bairagi

    rahul bairagi said over 9 years ago:

    That's a great rig. Love it. Nice skinning too. It's just that mine right hand's index finger doesn't work, got a connection broken. Thanks for the upload anyways. Cheers :)
  • twelker2014

    twelker2014 said over 10 years ago:

    Great Rig. Nice Texture map. The only issue I found was that the Left Index finger is broken from the rig.
  • Libertine

    Libertine said over 10 years ago:

    Great rig! Love the texture work. After using some amateur rigs mainly, this one is very pleasant to use in comparison. Thanks. I animated a run cycle for it, which came out semi decent. It here if your interested in seeing it
  • svivan20

    svivan20 said over 12 years ago:

    Amazing Rig indeed. I would pay definitely for a full tutorial on this character rigging process.
  • starfeuri

    starfeuri said over 12 years ago:

    This rig is... astounding. I downloaded this model just to have something pre-rigged to demonstrate creating a walk cycle in my class. There are things in this rig that make me green with envy. Preshant, might you have some references to tutorials or books which cover some of the techniques exhibited in this rig?

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