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Eclipse Mel-Editor 0.5.0

Mel Editor for Eclipse

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Last Modified:09/10/2007
File Size: 37.4 KB
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1-10 of 12

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  • rbublitz

    rbublitz said about 13 years ago:

    This plugin was compiled for an older version of Eclipse. The author has not updated this in a long while and it won't work for Eclipse until he does.
  • WilliamGS

    WilliamGS said over 13 years ago:

    vampraist is correct. The plugin loads and highlights syntax, at least for me with eclipse 3.7 x64, but I must create a project and open the file from there...File > Open results in error. Too bad the plugin was never developed further. It would be nice to use Eclipse with MEL alongside Python, since there's a lot of MEL around still. At least you still get a nice text editor with Eclipse, but not having "file > open" is a pretty severe limitation.
  • Valido

    Valido said over 13 years ago:

    It's not working on eclipse 3.7...The plugin fail to load...Any suggestions?
  • elmanu

    elmanu said over 14 years ago:

    Hi Just installed in eclipse 3.5.2 (on a Linux 64 box) but cannot see any syntax highlighting. The plug in is there though as I can go to its preferences, and it added some buttons in the toolbar. But I cannot find any associated editor, and my mel files just open as plain text. Does not seems like the project is still alive... is it? thanks emmanuel
  • lovisx

    lovisx said almost 16 years ago:

    is there a way to edit the syntax highlighting. I too am waiting for an update :)
  • opototopo

    opototopo said almost 16 years ago:

    i get "Error" if i try to open a MEL file without having a project started. I could not even open a mel file after that! i have to cut-n-paste my MEL code into a new file that I created with eclipse to get it to do syntax highlighting
  • alienpioneer

    alienpioneer said almost 16 years ago:

    It's not working on eclipse 3.4.1...The plugin fail to load...Any suggestions?
  • katisss

    katisss said over 16 years ago:

    Is it supposed to work with eclipse 3.3.2, it doesnt over here...
  • rib

    rib said almost 17 years ago:

    i keep on waiting for update
  • vampraist

    vampraist said about 17 years ago:

    Excellent - I have been looking (and hoping) for something like this. One point that I have found, however, is that using File Open on the *.mel displays a page with *Error. Creating a project and then click loading the file is fine. I really look forward to seeing code folding!

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