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MayaDoc 5.0 for Linux chkconfig script 1.0.0

makes maya documentation server on daemon

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Operating Systems

  • Linux


Last Modified:06/02/2003
File Size: 1.23 KB
This script makes the Maya 5.0 documentation server available as a
Linux daemon through chkconfig.

Instead of adding the start and stop script to your linux boot configuration
just access the documentation server through the 'service' command.

Installation instructions:
- make sure that you are root
- put the file mayadoc to /etc/init.d
- make root the owner of mayadoc 'chown root:root mayadoc'
- change the access flags to 744 'chmod 744 mayadoc'
That's it. Access the service with 'service mayadoc' or the GUI equivalent
(gnome control center).
use 'man service' and 'man chkconfig for more information.

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