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MayaAPITracer 1.0.0

Maya API Tracing tool

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Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:06/18/2009
File Size: 1.23 MB

A tool for tracing Maya API calls. Uses specialized version of Trace n Patch library customized to trace the Maya C++ API. Quite useful for Maya Plug-in developers and end-users alike to help optimize their scenes based on the internal evaluations of Maya runtime.

Currently offers the ability to
 + Pause/Resume the capture
 + Select different functions to trace
 + Save the capture logs

Development Platform: Maya 2008 API (Tested for Maya 2009 Also)
Target Audience: Maya Developers and Users (Win32 Platform)



 1. Start the "MayaTracerApp.exe" application from the Release directory.

 2. Enter the command line arguments for the target application. If you have Maya installed, the tracer should automatically populate the path of the Maya.exe. Otherwise, enter it manually.

 3. Click on "Start" button. This should start Maya. Also it should display a window listing the Maya API calls made by the target application.

The File|Save option can be used to save the log entries.


If you would like to see a particular API getting listed or want a feature, please feel free to contact.


Disclaimer: This is a free software provided for development purposes - Provided as is.

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