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ZenTools 1.6.1 for Maya (maya script)

poly, uv, surface, curve, rigging, & hair tools

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  • 2009, 2008

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  • Linux
  • Windows


Last Modified:04/09/2009
File Size: 307 KB


Curve Distribute Between Vertices Error

Submitted by: jason.yikai jason.yikai

I am using Maya 2018 student version.
I had download the Bonus tool & Enable and autoload the following plugins: (matrixNodes.mll, pointOnMeshInfo.mll, closestPointOnCurve.mll)

 But I'm error when I try to use the "Curve Distribute Between Vertices" 

// Error: file: C:/Users/user/Documents/maya/2018/scripts/zen/mel/zenLoop.mel line 559: No object matches name: //
// Error: file: C:/Users/user/Documents/maya/2018/scripts/zen/mel/zenLoop.mel line 559: Error evaluating argument at position 1 in procedure "zenReturnFirstStringItem". //

Any help will be appricated. :)

Replies to this question:

  • jason.yikai

    jason.yikai said about 6 years ago:

    Ok quick update: It seems like only the "Arc" Curve type is getting errors. Other option like the "EP" & "CV" work perfectly. Thx David Belais. If you have any updates plz let us know. :D
  • Rexxigar

    Rexxigar said over 4 years ago:

    Yeah seems to still happen in 2019 though the work around still works that you suggested
  • David Belais

    David Belais said 2 months ago:

    Apologies everyone, I am having difficulty editing this entry, but you can find documentation and installation instructions for ZenTools here: . Cheers!

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