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Mike and Tina Character Rig 2.8.0 for Maya

An intuitive, but extremely versatile and highly customizable Maya character rig.

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  • 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010

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  • Windows


Last Modified:09/14/2015
File Size: 6.22 MB


Correctly export fbx to unity

Submitted by: Lutscher Lutscher

since I'm just a Unity programmer with minor experiences with Maya I can't achieve to export the rigged Mike model as fbx to test this character inside of Unity.

All I did was selecting the masterGroup inside the outliner and exported this selection. It gave me those warnings/errors.

Could somebody provide me some information about how to export the rigged model properly?

Replies to this question:

  • Jason Baskin

    Jason Baskin said over 10 years ago:

    Thanks for writing. Yes, exporting rigs into game engines can be pretty tricky. This particular rig is not really designed to be used as a run-time asset as it incorporates a lot of secondary deformers and blend shapes. In general, you might have luck exporting some of your characters into Unity if you bake the deformations first (Edit>Keys>Bake Simulation), then delete all of the elements except for the mesh and joints (i.e. all rig elements and controllers). But again, the Mike and Tina rig is fairly complex, and most likely won't work in Unity even after deformations are baked. I wish I could be of more help. Best of luck with your project, Jason

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