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Batch Script Generator 1.3.0

Provides a user friendly interface to create batch files for rendering multiple Maya scenes.

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Last Modified:12/16/2016
File Size: 18.2 MB


batch, maya, rendering

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  • mindymind

    mindymind said over 7 years ago:

    I am getting a viurs warning? 
  • ahabministries

    ahabministries said about 9 years ago:

    I am rendering with FurryBall. It works great!
  • sachin parikh

    sachin parikh said about 9 years ago:

    Hi I am trying to render A3 size render but it will not work and render can't start . Please help ASAP Thanks
  • joshitejas

    joshitejas said almost 10 years ago:

    Hi Can you please help I am facing issue while rendering using this script. I created .bat and set it to render, but issue is it doesn't take texture while rendering. I have kept .bat file in scenes folder It renders the first frame proper with texture but from second frame it renders without texture Please help ASAP Thanks
  • joshitejas

    joshitejas said almost 10 years ago:

  • cgmon

    cgmon said almost 10 years ago:

    Tnx Dear
  • cullius

    cullius said over 10 years ago:

    Working well - thank you man
  • Istvan79

    Istvan79 said over 10 years ago:

    Hi, can you please help? how do you make it work on a Mac??? It creates a .sh file - what shall I do with that? I can drop it into terminal, but if I want to run it, it says Render.exe is not found. There should be no .exe file on Mac, so what is this error message? Thank you!
  • bob_kullu

    bob_kullu said almost 11 years ago:

    Cool.. Its working..Awesome script. Thanks...!!!
  • zat

    zat said about 11 years ago:

    Hi. great script, but in osx I can't set up a render exe file

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