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Maya 7 GUI for Low Poly Modeling And UV 3.0.0

Maya 7 Graphic User Interface

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Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:09/24/2006
File Size: 831 KB
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  • iamitsingh

    iamitsingh said over 18 years ago:

    Previously I missed to write warning msg . Thtats why some peoples didnot like it but now i m sure all you people like it coz it is a bunch of some gud scripts and shortcuts. I think all of u have these files but sometime some peoples who are newbie for maya they suffer fom that kind of problem thats why i made this collection actually for newbie. But it will really helpfull. Try it ones. But before trying plz make a backup of your old prefrences.
  • x3d

    x3d said about 19 years ago:

    don't like that all my hot keys have been replaced - in fact every thing was messed up (extra work for restoring my prefernces from scratch - took me ages). Maybe the next version will be better.

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