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Color Cop 5.4.3

multi-purpose color picker that works anywhere

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Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:10/17/2007
File Size: 325 KB
Color Cop v5.3 is a multi-purpose color picker for web designers and programmers. It features an eyedropper, magnifyer with 1 to 16x zoom, 3 by 3 and 5 by 5 average sampling, 42 color complementary color palette. It can output color codes in the following hex formats: HTML, Delphi, Powerbuilder, Visual Basic, Visual C++, RGB float, and RGB int. The RGB Float mode is used with Renderman. Windows95/98/NT/2000/Me/XP.


  1. Magnifier - The Magnifier control will allow the user to magnify any part of the screen. Once an area is magnified, the eyedropper can then be used to select colors. This will improve the ability to select colors from areas with lots of colors or from small icons.
    the magnifier looking at the screen

  2. Variable magnification levels - This feature allows the user to change the power of the magnifier. There are 16 magnification (1x - 16x). The user can change the level by spinning the mouse wheel while magnifying, or clicking on the clicking on the plus and minus buttons in the window.
    screen area magnification / magnifier demo

  3. a sample screenshot of magnify while eyedropping in actionMagnify while eyedropping - This option is on by default and allows the user to see a magnified area while eyedropping. The pixel that is being selected will appear in the magnifier window with a black square around it. [v5.3+]

  4. 3 by 3 and 5 by 5 average sampling - Instead of sampling just one pixel, a 3 by 3 or 5 by 5 area of pixels will be averaged to get a color. This is important when sampling colors from photographs because you can get closer to the color the human eye sees.
    3by3 and 5by5 pixel averaging

  5. Snap to WebSafe color - Some designers are forced to use the 216 color websafe palette. When this options is enabled, only websafe colors can be selected. If a color is selected and it is not websafe, it will be converted to the nearest websafe color. Websafe colors have RGB decimal values which are multiples of 51 or zero.(0, 51, 102, 153, 204, and 255)

  6. Detect WebSafe color - With this option enabled, color cop will indicate if the color selected by the eyedropper is WebSafe or not. [v5.3+]

  7. Relative position measurements - If you press the Control key while eyedropping the coordinates will be set to zero (0,0). When you drag the mouse to a new location the coordinates values will be relative to the point where you pressed control. This is very useful if you want to measure how pixels a certain object is. Note that if you get a reading of 8,8 the area you just measured is really 9,9 because the zero row and column are included. [v5.3+]

  8. Minimize to systray - This will give the user the option to minimize color cop to the system tray, rather than to the taskbar.
    you can minimize the color picker to the windows system tray

  9. Multi-language hexadecimal color support - the selected color can be displayed in either HTML, Delphi, PowerBuilder, Visual Basic, or Visual C++ format. It will also be sent to the clipboard if the option is enabled. RGB Int and RGB Float modes are new in v5.3 RGB Int mode will output the color as 128,64,0 (R,G,B). RGB Float mode will output the color as 0.50,0.25,0.00 Alt+[ will decrease floating point precision and Alt+] will increase floating point precision.

  10. Upper and lower case hex - gives the user the option of having uppercase or lowercase hex output.

  11. Omit the # or $ symbols from hex - users will have the option to leave out the # or $ marks in the hex output. This is only available in HTML and Delphi hex modes.

  12. Use Cross Hair cursor - the standard windows cross hair cursor can be used in lieu of the eyedropper to select colors. [v5.3+]

  13. Persistent custom colors in the custom color dialog - The common windows custom color picker dialog has 16 custom color locations. Color cop will remember the custom colors from session to session. In previous versions, the custom colors were only saved for as long as the program was open.
    custom color settings are remembered

  14. Popup Menu configuration - Version 4.0 used dropdown menus, but now that there are more options a different system will be implemented. When a user right clicks anywhere in the dialog, a popup menu will appear with options.
    popup menus allow quick access to program settings

  15. Hotkey support - For advanced users, there will be hotkeys as an alternative to the menu.
            Control+1	Switch to 1 pixel sampling
    Control+3 Switch to 3 by 3 average sampling
    Control+5 Switch to 5 by 5 average sampling
    Control+D Switch to Delphi Hex mode
    Control+E Toggle Expanded dialog
    Control+H Switch to HTML Hex mode
    Control+K Toggle Auto copy hex to clipboard
    Control+M Toggle Minimize to systray
    Control+O Toggle Omit # or $ symbols
    Control+P Switch to PowerBuilder mode
    Control+R Reverse the current color
    Control+T Toggle Always on top
    Control+U Toggle upper-case hex
    Control+W Toggle Snap to websafe
    Control+Z Generate a random color
    Alt + C Open Custom Color Dialog

  16. Collapse/Expand dialog - Since the magnifying glass won't be used all the time, there will be a button to collpse and expand the dialog. This will prevent the application from taking up too much screen area.
    Color Cop can expand and collapse

  17. Mouse wheel support - Users can alter the red, green, or blue decimal values by spinning the mouse wheel. The control in focus will be decremented or incremented. Spinning the mouse wheel will increment or decrement by 1. Holding Control at the same time will increment or decrement by 5. Holding Shift at the same time will increment of decrement by 2. If the Snap to Websafe mode is on, it will increment or decrement by 51. Users can also zoom in and out by spinning the mouse wheel while magnifying.

  18. Allow Multiple Instances - This is an option which allows the user to restrict only one instance of color cop from running at once, or allow multiple copies to run. [v5.3+]

  19. Easy Move - Most applications can be moved around the screen by dragging on the title bar. This feature allows the user to click and drag the application by left clicking anywhere in the client area and dragging. This option is enabled by default, but can be disabled using the menu or hotkey.

  20. Color History - This feature remembers the last 7 colors selected by the eyedropper. The user can then revert back to any of the colors by clicking on them. This feature will be hidden if the dialog is in the collapsed state, but the colors will still be stored. Colors can be pushed onto the color history by right clicking while eyedropping.

  21. Complementary color palette - Color Cop uses the RGB color model to describe colors. This feature first converts the RGB color model into HSL. HSL is a color model that describes colors based on Hue, Saturation, and Lightness. Once RGB has been converted to HSL, the values are shifted many times to produce a complementary color palette. There are 42 colors in the palette, which can be selected by clicking or dragging.
    Color Pallete Demo

  22. Window help file - If a user presses F1 a standard window help window will come up.

  23. Install / Uninstall support - allow users to install and uninstall color cop

  24. Minor features and bug fixes - minimize bug, system menu font problem, memory leak, add cursor location in status bar. Double-clicking in the magnification window will prompt to copy bitmap to clipboard.

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