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Toon Eyes quick setup for cartoon character rigs 0.2.0 for 3dsmax (3dsmax script)

helps you quickly setup ffd (toon based) eyes

Button download


  • 2009, 2008

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:01/11/2009
File Size: 12.7 KB


josh, Wyzykowski

setup ffd eyes for cartoon type characters so you can easily adjust those to fit character needs, it manage symmetry and instancing nicely. then hit finalize to make them independent.
symmetry setup is really useful for modellers and riggers in team to work on UTV india project efficiently.

max customize>> lm_rigging>>tooneyes (quad / shortcut key etc)
type character code and create eyes
tweak ffd as you like
finalize eyes button to remove symmetry setup

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