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mbFracture 0.1.0 for 3dsmax (3dsmax script)

Breaks up a mesh object into volumetric pieces

Button download


  • 9.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:11/30/2006
File Size: 11.7 KB
This is a macroscript for 3ds Max 9 that will break up the selected mesh object into nice volumetric pieces.

Note: Will not always produce a valid fragmentation and no Undo available, so save your scene or use the built-in 'hold' or 'copy' feature! Works best on closed, watertight meshes without selfintersections --> no teapots please

Help dialog available inside the script.

To install, run the .mcr file and use the new 'Fragment selected mesh' action in the 'MB Tools' category as hotkey, menu item, toolbar icon or quad menu entry.

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  • RobC