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boneStretch 1.0.1 for 3dsmax (3dsmax script)

This tool will change the color of bones based on their squash/stretch amount, providing the user with feedback if they have gone beyond a desired threshold. It will live update as you move around and animate in the viewport.

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  • 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 9.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:08/25/2010
File Size: 5.91 KB

This tool will change the color of bones based on their squash/stretch amount, providing the user with feedback if they have gone beyond a desired threshold. It will live update as you move around and animate in the viewport.

A co-worker asked if I could help him get a little script going to give feedback on how much bones were stretching in his rig.
Things got a bit out of hand and boneStretch is the result. Laughing

• Download & Unzip to MAXROOT\Scripts\Startup\ **MUST INSTALL HERE**
• In Max: Utilities Panel > MAXScript > Select "boneStretch" from the 'Utilities' drop down
• Enable and change settings as desired
• Additionally, "Toggle boneStretch" macro can be applied to a  Quad, Toolbar, Menu, or Hotkey: Customize > Customize UI > (under "Animation Tools" category)

New in version 1.0.1:
• Dramatically increased performance
• Expanded legacy support; compatible w/ 3ds Max 9 (and possibly older)

version 1.0:
• Stretch limit:  The distance at which the bone will be fully colorized to the stretch color
• Enable/Disable toggle macro
• Customizable colors

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