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LowMax 1.1.0 for 3dsmax

LowMax is a free practice rig. (for max 5 and up)

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  • 8.x, 7.x, 6.x, 5.x, 9.x


Last Modified:02/17/2007
File Size: 91.1 KB
LowMax is a free rig for 3dsmax version 5 and up :-) It has been inspired by a free rig for Maya LowMan (hence the rig's name:-))
So you'll probably notice some similarities. A lot of controls are also similar. You don't need to install any extra scripts or plug-ins.
Everything is rigged using standard max tools. I even avoided using custom attribute holder since I know a lot of people don't have it installed.
Instead all the Custom Attributes are either on a Dummy object or on a small modifier that does nothing but hold the attributes.
This rigs features:
IK/FK blending (arms only so far, I'll add this to legs later)
Squash and Stretch on legs, arms, spine, neck, head and arms

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  • abdulrazaqkuruva
  • rarau_kurou