Delta Station is a complete science fiction ground base. It is able to generate indoors and outdoors futuristic scenes. Subdivided sections allow indoor artists to take advantage of its multiple interior scenarios. Front section and rear roof section can be turned invisible for friendly interior camera handling. Outdoor artists can also take advantage of its original futuristic looking style. (Ships and characters in prom images are not included)
Movable parts consist of a rotatory rear skydome with operable landing door, an interior lift to transport ships into the inner hangar, 8 easily detachable gun stations, double main entry gates and 3 interior gates.
Delta Station includes a set of UV textures (2048x2000) and a set of texture templates to assemble your own decals and textures. Also included there are 3 small luminance textures aimed to shine when global illumination is decreased. This produces a nice decals illumination effect.
Delta Station is a great complement for any sci-fi still or animated project. Multiple formats are available.