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Centaur Base Mesh 3D Model

Free Centaur Base Mesh

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  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx) - v2013
  • Maya (.ma, .mb) - v2013
  • OBJ (.obj) - v2013
  • Maya (.ma, .mb) - v2013


Detail Levelmedium
Avg. Textures Res.1k


Last Modified:12/10/2015
Total Size of Files: 2.45 MB
per page
1-4 of 4

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  • schriftarten 123

    schriftarten 123 said over 2 years ago:

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  • kleurplaat 123

    kleurplaat 123 said over 2 years ago:

    Thank you for sharing your meaning, I also found a lot of free and online coloring pages at kleurplaat123. I have never colored before but I have been told that it is very relaxing. I think I will start with something simple like a flower or landscape. Maybe I will even try a portrait. Have you ever tried coloring? What did you think of it? If you have not tried it before, I would highly recommend giving it a go. It is truly relaxing and therapeutic. And who doesn't love color? Thank you again for sharing your lovely artwork with us. We appreciate it very much!
  • yomoj49762

    yomoj49762 said over 2 years ago:

    Love to be here. CHooseforpc
  • Deepak V

    Deepak V said about 9 years ago:

    Good Topology and great model I really like it

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