unaltromondo added a feature request to fePrimitives for Maya Report 2010-05-27 08:12:31 UTC
unaltromondo added a feature request to Ninja Fracture for Maya Report 2010-05-21 09:18:30 UTC
pieces that fall break should still touching the ground...need need some stability improvements and new feauture of fracture sorrry for my eng... (more)
unaltromondo added Ninja Fracture for Maya as a favorite Report 2010-05-13 06:34:44 UTC
Breaks objects into chunks (more)
unaltromondo added a feature request to Ninja Fracture for Maya Report 2010-05-13 06:25:29 UTC
need feauture like bomb secondary debris ecc... PS:Mesh explodes when the fragments never stop ... you can put a parameter type mass energy ect ... (more)
unaltromondo added a feature request to pulldownit free version for Maya Report 2010-05-12 20:39:43 UTC
unaltromondo posted in Fracture feature request in Ninja Fracture for Maya Report 2010-05-08 15:09:31 UTC
hi...need secondary debris,more control and collision thanks (more) -
unaltromondo added a feature request to Ninja Fracture for Maya Report 2010-03-28 20:27:52 UTC
i have pay for previous version...I get the upgrade free?
i have pay for previous version...I get the upgrade free? my e-mail is unaltromondo@msn.com...tanks (more)
Comment7 on feature request