▼ Tutorials
Using Blend Shape to Create Facial Expressions The blend shape tool is a tool that will take exact duplicates of the original geometry that have been sculpted into a new shape and make a seamless transition between the two, I.E. blend. This has many different uses including muscle bulges...
Using Blend Shape for Facial Expressions In this file we will go over using blend shape for facial expressions. This is an extremely easy and effective way to enhance you animations. First we want to duplicate the mouse once for each expression or partial expression you want. (Fig. 1.) This...
Light Linking using three point lighting: Light linking is the art of using multiple lights to create the illusion of one. I normally start with a three point lighting scheme (which I will cover later) and then add lights were needed. Linking a light to an object or objects will allow you ...
Faking Global Illumination with point lights This handout will explain how to use point lights to light a scene and give it the same look as using global illumination. The overall quality is similar, it is easier to do, and best of all, it renders faster. I used a night time kitchen scene fr...
Texturing Polygons UV Mapping and using Photoshop to create textures �Some excerpts and definitions used were taken from the help section in Maya.� There are many different ways to create textures for polygon models. The way I will show you may not be the correct way to do this, but ...
Rotating Wheels on a Car (Source files provided by Jim Gravina, Class of 2003) The purpose of this handout is to show you how to rotate the wheels on a car so they follow the pace of the car as it move. By doing it this way, you will get a more accurate result without setting nu...
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