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Figurestudy 627 -a Editor's Pick
I created this on a rainy sunday. I was hanging out with my wife, playing around with "simple"images, trying different lighting set-ups to see the effect on the final image. I retouched the image a bit in photoshop after rendering to give it a soft look, and to change the lighting a bit.
Cheers! and Thanks for looking!!!
The dancer in the fo Editor's Pick
This image is a creation (like most of my work) involving many, many layers. The image is the art I created for an ad for Schonbek World Wide Lighting. The ad is currently running in the US and Europe. The image is designed to illustrate the idea of somet16050 Views
The third sitting Editor's Pick
This is the third image in a series exploring the classical portraite, but creating an environment which is also a reflection of the subjects "inner being"12540 Views
The painted trees Editor's Pick
This is part of a series of somewhat abstract landscapes. While it lacks depth, this was intentional as a part of my effort emphasize the funky tree shapes, etc. It is my idea of a beautiful sureal forest. Not of this world.17908 Views
figure Study 19 Editor's Pick
This image is painted from a reference photo using Expression, Painter and Photoshop. I really love expression. I find that it offers some really unique tools, and endless possibilites. I still can't beleive that I get paid to do what I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love the female figure. It is just so amazing.48436 Views
the sitting Editor's Pick
I have about 12 years of photoshop experience. This image is one of a series.12365 Views