
Aug 24, '09
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new user

maybe some way to booleen every frame, i'm very amauter so not really sure why i'm trying to help. if you are using maya i remember a way to booleen at render time, that would seem your best option. can't really say how as my computers broke and i don't have maya in front of me.

I ran into a lil' problem. I went through the trouble of converting about 40+ of similar shader networks to one shader which uses the switch utilities to determine which file texture goes with what surface. All is well except for one thing... I can't duplicate the model anymore without loosing the t…

Thank you for replying. This is egg-zactly the kind of feedback I've been looking for. I have to agree with all of the points you mentioned about the ocean. I don't like it too much myself yet either but I think it's a good start concidering the setup I have created. It's a fully expression driven…

This is a work-in-progress of a long term project I'm currently working on. I have big plans for it... lol [image] Anyway, c&c is more than welcome. Here's the link http://kotisivu.mtv3.fi/karppa/stormyOcean.html

If you're an owner of the MSI K7D Master-L motherboard, I would like to hear comments from you. How's the stability? Does it run in dual mode with Athlon XP processors? What kind of PSU you have? Etc etc...

I believe CPS means the connectPolyShape script. You can find it here: http://www.highend3d.com/files/dl.3d?group...amp;file\_id=707 Personally I haven't tried it so I don't know how well it works.