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Drone done on Cinema 4D.........this is my fist full modeling project.
This Drone unit is use for Land, Sea and urban search and rescue operations. Use for wide open terrain, inaccessible cliff sections, Maritime Search & Rescue. Also use for Forest Fire Fighting, Nuclear Accident - Contamination Tracking & Monitoring, Avalanche Survivor Search, Post-Disaster Relief Operations, Missing persons operations.
equip with: State of the art computer system,super sensors, GPS, Satellite tracking solutions, guidance and collision avoidance systems, HD camera that transmits a live feed of its surroundings and sending data. A thermographic camera - sending real time feed and data to the core center or emergency centers.
Able to detect body heat and heat source under in structural collapse or collapse grounds, and detect radiation leak.
Also equip with microphone and a multi-language voice commands and warning tones that can be clearly heard
and understood over background noise in any type of terrain and environment over distances from 200 yards to 1.5 miles. Also has Meteorology system on board. Night vision and search lights for night rescue operations. This Unit equipment can be customize for any rescue mission.38 Views
My version of SHIELD.............done in Illustrator + Cinema 4D