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Eomaia Editor's Pick
Eomaia is a small climbing mammal from the Cretaceous period. It is generally assumed it was nocturnal given that the cretaceous period held the biggest dinosaurs ever to walk the earth.
Software used: Maya, Z-Brush, Body-paint, Photoshop
Model: Dotnamestudios : Digital animal specialists
Palentologist: Darren Naish2572 Views
Quetzalcoatlus Editor's Pick
Another large stalker of small dinosaurs, the Quetzalcoatlus was one of the biggest animals to ever take flight. Digital reconstruction for DKs upcoming "Prehistoric Life" title.295 Views
Spinoaequalis Editor's Pick
This is prehistoric recreation is actually another amphibian even if it looks more like a lizard. Produced for Dks upcoming title "Prehistoric Life"944 Views
Phlegethontia Editor's Pick
This snake like animal is a digital recreation of a prehistoric amphibian produced for DKs up title " Prehistoric Life"982 Views
Tropeognathus Editor's Pick
Tropeognathus also known as Ornithocheirus was one of the largest pterosaurs with a wing span of up to 12 meters.
Paleontologist: Dave Hoone
Model and Image: Dotnamestudios
Model in Maya, Zbrush, Body paint
Composited in Photoshop
Diatryma Editor's Pick
Diatryma, a 2m tall chicken that chased down the miniture horses of it's time. Digital recreation for DKs upcoming "Prehistoric Life" title.640 Views
Huayangosaurus Editor's Pick
Huayangosaurus was armed with an impressive mix of plates and spikes it was one of the smallest known stegosaurians, at "just" 4.5 meters in length.
Huayangosaurus came from the Jurassic period and it's fossils were discovered in the Huayang province of China after which it was named.
Model: Dotnamestudios ; digital animal specialists
Palentologist: Darren Naish2936 Views
Microbrachis Editor's Pick
Microbrachis was an elongated, salamander-like creature, about 15 centimetres long.
It had short limbs, and probably swam using fish-like lateral body movements.
Microbrachis was pedomorphic, retaining its larval gills in adulthood.
Model:Dotnamestudios ; digital animal specialist
Palentologist: Andrew Milner
Deinosuchus ; extinct Crocodilian Editor's Pick
An extinct Crocodilian from the Late Cretaceous period. The name translates as "terrible crocodile".
Deinosuchus grew up to 12 m in length and weighing up to 8.5 tons but compared to modern crocdiles it had relitivly smaller legs.
Software used: Maya, Z-Brush, BodyPaint, Photoshop
Model: Dotnamestudios ; digital animal specialists
Palentologist: Steve Brusatte3773 Views