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Instancers (Flying butterflies)
Instancers (Flying butterflies)
iranimation, updated 2016-06-28 00:45:03 UTC 72,618 views  Rating:
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Version:  Maya 2008

Hi everyone this is my first tutorial I hope you learn it and

Sorry for bad English 


Step 1:

You must create a character to animate and it must be a cycle animate

You can use any character for this tutorial

I m use a Butterflies for this project and animate it in 23 frame

Remember each peace of character must be freeze transform, delete the histories and group them together



Step 2:

Now duplicate your character in each frame



Step 3:

In the dynamic menu go to particle tool and create particles in your scene



Step 4:

Now select all duplicate character in your scene and in the particle menu go to instancer option 

Reset menu and set the settings 



Now click the create button


Hide your duplicate character



Step 5:

Select particle and in the attribute editor => add dynamic attribute => click on general button

Set the setting



Add the attribute

Now go to Per Particle (Array) Attribute

Right click on (random_fly) and hit create expression



particleShape1.rando_fly = rand(23);


Hit the create button


Now go to the instancer tab in attribute editor



Step 7:

Select particles and bind a uniform field set the magnitude 50 and use a turbulence field and set the magnitude 200 or any value that you want

now play the timeline

scene file




Thank you