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How to - Maya - add object to lattice tutorial
How to - Maya - add object to lattice tutorial
Stephen Kershaw, updated 2010-12-06 13:48:12 UTC 38,910 views  Rating:
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The following is a quick and easy tutorial that shows you how to add objects to a lattice in Maya. It is useful if you already have geometry with a lattice applied and need to add extra objects to the lattice. Also useful if you want to position geometry in a particular way in relation to the lattice before connecting the two together.

Firstly you need to create your lattice -
  • Make sure you are on the animation menu set then goto – Create Deformers > Lattice and open up the dialog box.
  • Set the number of divisions of the lattice that you require.
  • Set the behaviour of the lattice on points outside of the lattice from the drop-down box.

    Next position your object where you want it in relation to the lattice.

    Select the lattice, then the objects.

    Open up the script editor

    Type in the following -

    string $selSet[] = `ls -sl`;
    string $lattice = $selSet[0];
    string $object = $selSet[1];
    lattice -e -g $object $lattice;

    Highlight the MEL code and hit enter (the one beside the keypad, not the main one).

    [This can be repeated for as many objects as you wish]