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Fix broken render setting window using simple mel command
Fix broken render setting window using simple mel command
Stephen Kershaw, updated 2016-11-26 23:23:57 UTC 26,990 views  Rating:
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Now and again one of the numerous Maya bugs stops you been able to view the render settings window. You can open it up but there is no information there, preventing you from changing any render settings. A quick way to fix this is to do the following –

Open up the script editor

Type in the following

deleteUI unifiedRenderGlobalsWindow;

Highlight the MEL code and hit enter (the one beside the keypad, not the main one).

Type in the following


Highlight the MEL code and hit enter (same key as before)

Open up the render settings window again. Everything should be fixed.

[The same bug can sometimes affect the attribute editor window as well, most notably when you have a ramp node selected. The above method can be applied to fix this. Instead of using the line deleteUI unifiedRenderGlobalsWindow; replace it with deleteUI AEWindow;]