Spencer Jones
Spencer Jones posted in Maya 2011 users in Arc Tracker for Maya Report 2015-12-10 16:12:06 UTC
You can find instructions in the file. Open it in a text editor. Failing that theres help in the reviews section. (more)
Spencer Jones posted in Maya Lagging after using plug In in Arc Tracker for Maya Report 2015-11-04 12:22:28 UTC
Noticed this or similar issue myself moving keys in graph editor a few months back. I think it may have been a Maya editable trial issue - not 100%... (more)
Spencer Jones posted in Getting # Error: invalid syntax # on Maya 2015 in Arc Tracker for Maya Report 2015-08-08 02:43:43 UTC
Hi sorry to hear your getting errors on 2015. The free script was written in 2009 and updated for 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014. There was a pro... (more)
Spencer Jones posted in Maya 2011 users in Arc Tracker for Maya Report 2014-01-22 03:49:44 UTC
Hi, 108 is part of the download and I just re-tested it with Maya 2011. It worked. Or open 110 in a text editor and remove the two lines unde... (more)
Spencer Jones submitted the file Arc Tracker for Maya Report 2009-09-04 21:45:05 UTC
Tracks Animation Arcs (more)
Spencer Jones submitted the file Arc Tracker for Maya Report 2009-09-04 21:45:05 UTC
Tracks Animation Arcs (more)
Spencer Jones posted in Scripted Panel Problem in MEL Report 2009-08-27 16:07:35 UTC
Hey,That userSetup.mel thingy is just for sourcing and changing little prefs and stuff I think.You cant make a panel open from from it I dont think... (more)
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