Sergey Lyubich
Sergey Lyubich posted in 2 ToolBox Open? in Toolbox Overhaul for Maya Report 2017-06-16 23:22:03 UTC
Hi! And thanks a lot! No, there is no such feature at this moment. Nice idea, but it would take a lot of things to think over, and implementati... (more)
Sergey Lyubich is now selling Toolbox Overhaul for Maya in the marketplace Report 2016-11-11 15:11:19 UTC
Ultimate Shelf replacement solution (more)
Sergey Lyubich posted in does not install Maya 2016.5 in Texel Density Advisor for Maya Report 2016-10-18 09:58:14 UTC
Check out the update! (more)
Sergey Lyubich added Qt node editor for Maya as a favorite Report 2016-09-13 23:42:55 UTC
Node based multithreaded extendable editor (more)
Sergey Lyubich posted in does not install Maya 2016.5 in Texel Density Advisor for Maya Report 2016-09-10 14:44:14 UTC
Hi! The answer is pretty simple. This is a quote from official Maya2017 documentation ========================================== What's New... (more)
Sergey Lyubich posted in does not install Maya 2016.5 in Texel Density Advisor for Maya Report 2016-08-07 01:33:21 UTC
Hi! I am pretty sure that you installed it wrong. It works fine for me in 2016.5 Here is a valid path: C:\Users\****\Documents\maya\2016.5\... (more)
Sergey Lyubich added Facer for Maya as a favorite Report 2016-05-16 18:47:44 UTC
Palette with handy scripts for working with meshes (more)
Sergey Lyubich added mkSendSelection for Maya as a favorite Report 2016-04-27 06:59:51 UTC
Send Face Selection Over to Photoshop (more)
Sergey Lyubich added HiliteKeyFrame for Maya as a favorite Report 2016-04-27 06:59:41 UTC
Hilites animation controls that have keyframes set at the current time (more)
Sergey Lyubich added Animation Timer for Maya as a favorite Report 2016-04-27 06:59:32 UTC
This script can help you kickstart your blocking process ! (more)
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