Hi all
I have some problem with nHair simulation : rondomly, when I playback, it stop on an image and lag for a while. I have to stop the sim... (more)
Hi all...I have a question : I have to simulate short hairs and wondering wich is the workflow the better.- I select faces for the skull and create... (more)
Hi Joojaa.. Thanks for your answer.Actually I don't care about Mesh or UVs, because I want to write a animation tool : be able to mirror/swap trans... (more)
Hi all, I try to write a mirror object method. This should :- work in tranlsation and rotation- work in local and world- care about freeze transfor... (more)
Hi Joojaa...Thanks a lot, I will try it this afternnon!!You save me!What about the autodesk id? The node will be distribute to a limited number of ... (more)
Hi all...I'm in trouble and need help. I need to translate a expression I wrote in Maya plug-ins via python.I guess this should be really simple fo... (more)
Hi...I have some rigs and want to add a contextual RMB menu for the control anim objects (with the option to key all, to swiotch ik/fk, etc...)How ... (more)
Thanks all for your answers.Well, first there is no uncrackable lock. I have to assume that. If my clients REALLY want to put effort to crack my se... (more)
Hi...I want to protect a MEL script for using it with & computer only for a limited period. For this I will first use MEL protector that I boug... (more)
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