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Character Rigs

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  • Free robotic teddy bear rig for Maya 1.0.0
    Free robotic teddy bear rig for Maya
    It is a non-joint based rig for a robotic model of a teddy bear toy. with a propeller in the back of his head!

    Rating: 4.5
    Added 2010-05-14 18:29:16 UTC
  • Free BIRD sit and fly rig for Maya 1.0.0
    Free BIRD sit and fly rig for Maya
    My rig of a bird to make it sit, fold it's wings and fly off. Done in Maya with Inverse Kinematics and Set Driven Keys. I spent quite a while trying to rig it properly and saw many tutorials on wings and birds, but in the end had to figure it out for myself. So now, I am happy to share the resources with the world! Available for download here:

    Rating: 4.2
    Added 2010-05-09 05:43:38 UTC
Showing 1-2 of 2